
Thumbnail of the map 'Angler'

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Author Msyjsm
Tags action author:msyjsm flyingfish rated
Created 2008-08-16
Last Modified 2008-08-16
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Apparently we're supposed to make fish maps now or something. I don't quite understand it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hubris' Thumbnail of the map 'Flowerlemmings' Thumbnail of the map 'Phantasm Fortress' Thumbnail of the map 'Tempus Ambulat' Thumbnail of the map 'Islands' Thumbnail of the map 'Talking'
Hubris Flowerlemmings Phantasm Fortress Tempus Ambulat Islands Talking


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OMG NEVERMIND!!! AWESOME TILES!! I just noticed it was a fish, SOOO COOL, faved

wahsosh! looks awesome, the area with the exit is a bit too much and the tiles chosen doesn't really fit with the rest of the map, but the drones and gold are COOL
Demo Data

MM rocks!

It's the balls!

very nice.

the tileset was wonderful, the gold was very well placed, and the zap drones were the perfect addition to it. 4.1/5


I cant get inside the mouth...

Off topic: Psh, Majora's Mask is the best.
Demo Data

Hell yes

My favorite Zelda ever, depending on my mood.

Tredy game!

Link's Awakening right? That game rocked.

I feel trendy

Anyone remember the trendy game? I want a Yoshi doll.


the fish trend... change the tag to "flyingfish"

thats the fish trend tag


Have fun jumping down its gullet.
Demo Data