Comments on "Part 5:Landscaping"

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but not when you do it the second's tough! D:
Demo Data


yes, well, i'll come out with my thing later.

The thwump thing

Is probably the best and most unique thing I've ever seen in a race.

I'll post a demo soon. I keep getting lost after getting the last cluster of gold.

Ahh Riobe..

I remember when I first joined back in June you were spitting out races that were somewhat amature. Now, I consider you to be one of the most talented racemakers on the NUMA scene. The thwump section is beautiful, I've never seen it done quite like that. Every one of your recent races are very professional imo.

Great job man.

this jump is hard :X
Demo Data

I agree

the thwump part at the begining is amazing


Not to mention I beat yungerkid to it. :P

I know

One of the best innovations I've had in a while.



Flow Demo

Just incase.
Demo Data