Over, Under, and Inbetween

Thumbnail of the map 'Over, Under, and Inbetween'

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Author Qix
Tags action author:qix playable routes unrated
Created 2008-09-20
Last Modified 2008-09-20
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description "Route"-y action map. Some are more difficult than others.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Emblem' Thumbnail of the map 'Archeology' Thumbnail of the map 'Structural Support' Thumbnail of the map 'City Corruption' Thumbnail of the map 'HogsWatchNight' Thumbnail of the map 'Pressure Points'
Emblem Archeology Structural Support City Corruption HogsWatchNight Pressure Points


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this map was subpar

but still :P I'd like to see trib4lmaniac beat this!
what are the odds?

This is cool.

I feel that at times the gausses were too muc, and it's a shame you didn't have to go into the centre of the drone island. That place is awesome.