Terrestris Veritas

Thumbnail of the map 'Terrestris Veritas'

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Tags author:palemoon rated three
Created 2008-09-25
Last Modified 2008-09-25
by 22 people.
Map Data

Description G a i u s

This map was featured on 2008-11-14

"Terrestris Veritas" is just a great, well blended map.

-First off, it has a wonderful tileset that not only looks good, but is very playable, even more playable than first perceived.

-Secondly, the gameplay is amazing, including many aspects of play, with spots that keep you on your toes, and parts that allow you to rest before venturing out into the open once again.

-Lastly, this map really has great aesthetics, while still maintaining great gameplay and wonderful replayability.

To put it as simply as possible, this map is great, and you should enjoy it as much as I do. — Riobe

Other maps by this author

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OuOOn Cinema Volta AGONYAGONYAGONYAGONYAGONY ThunderBat Minotaurus Colossus Taurus Magnus



looks a bit like sammus in metriod


have round feet?

Better AGD

Although its not as promising as the aesthetics make it seem, its still a decent level in terms of gameplay. 4.5aved.
Demo Data
with a lot of good gameplay that kept up the good playablitiy, and it was nice and playable while keeping good ascetics while being still playable

bit faster.

spectacularific, but I didn't like the NaN'd drones. 5aved.
Demo Data


After a second look, you're right l_d. =/


Very cool.
Demo Data
:) I guess the same could be said for mine :P

I guess it does

Really i was just trying to emphasise how the precision of the map aids the amosphere, ultimately.


Ever since this was featured, it hasnt been rated once. Kinda weird... :P


I'm so insightful.

The featured maps seem to be flying by all of a sudden...pity I haven't written one in time.

agree with mintnut

Demo Data

Yeah, lol

You're right notkitt. ^_^

I thought this would get more attention.
But meh, yours is just as good imo. Ill post it on the post a review thread, if you want to see it.

looks good

but kinda rough when you play it
Demo Data
power paragrahps!
Demo Data
'especially since they kind of encourage you to use the sides of the level to get over the colossus.'

it is really nice though

Still amazing



tiles <3
Keep trying :P


just joking :)


shadow of colossus was an awsome game. i think that they should make a new one

sweet tileset!
although i did think the 14th one was very terrifying as well.

too cool

it hurts how cool it is.
i wish it was a little less cool.
love the series.


face = <3


PALEMOON, you are god.

I have an idea.

After you finish with all of the Colossi, you should make a particularly difficult map in which you have to climb to the Secret Garden.
i played this again and i realize most of the trek over is spent on the walls :/ future maps will be different.

I love this

Love love love love love it. He is so cool it isnt even funny. 6

fun game

are you going to do the underwater eel-like one?


great fun!