
Thumbnail of the map 'This_Is_Where_We_Stop.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author 1_of_3_Mesters_N
Tags author:1_of_3_mesters_n hard playable twumps unrated
Created 2008-12-04
Last Modified 2008-12-04
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description im trying this thing, to make with twumps.. its my first see it...

TIWWS... lvl name ^^


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kolumbia' Thumbnail of the map 'Sudden_Death (ft. Caio)' Thumbnail of the map 'Rolling' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm_With_The_Target_At_You' Thumbnail of the map 'Brasil_N-art' Thumbnail of the map 'Brasil_Playable'
Kolumbia Sudden_Death (ft. Caio) Rolling I'm_With_The_Target_At_You Brasil_N-art Brasil_Playable


Pages: (0)

not hard unless you go for gold, but even harder to get a smooth demo low 3


Could you please check my most recent map? No one saw it :(

Agreed with Matt

3/5 See, I told you I'd catch up! :)
But some fun moments.