Shattered Cliff

Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered Cliff'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Jiggerjaw
Tags author:jiggerjaw playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-10-16
Last Modified 2005-10-16
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description This tileset by wellsj just amazed me!
I wanted to make a map out of it, it's a fun, easy jumper puzzle. Try to get the speediest all gold demo...if there's enough competition, there could be a dedication involved. Oohh...
Rate, comment, post demos, and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Yet Another Boring Thwump DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Heaps of Hidden Helpers' Thumbnail of the map 'Diamonds are forever' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyclone' Thumbnail of the map 'Wellsj DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Ascension'
Yet Another Boring Thwump DDA Heaps of Hidden Helpers Diamonds are forever Cyclone Wellsj DDA Ascension


Pages: (0)

I'll find you, ghost rater

ps: wellsj, my im does not work, it's so screwed up, I just transferred schools last year, and that was the only way I kept in touch with them, but now, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO


i didnt rate this map jigger, that was someone else. honest. i dont plan on rating this


if you want to im me im wjo2222. heh.

I'm soooo sorry

I thought I took that gold pc. out!
Yes, it's impossible.
Thanks, wellsj, your my best friend here on Numa!


i basically beat it. cant figure out how to get that last peice of gold. i dont think its possible. oh well
Demo Data
i'm glad someone worked with it. liked what you did to it.


i know hot to beat it but its not worth my time. waaaay to repetitive. (my time is useless, so thats not saying much)

also you kinda made the map look ugly.