Cloud Nine

Thumbnail of the map 'Cloud Nine'

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Author Jiggerjaw
Tags author:jiggerjaw bitesized playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-10-16
Last Modified 2005-10-17
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description In all of my recent one shape jumpers, I’ve credited tktktk for the one shape style…however, when I was playtesting this jumper, I realized that this is my style even more than his…so, sorry tktktk, but from now on, no more credit. :(
Anyway, this is a semi-difficult jumper puzzle, it will most certainly take you more than one try, trust me. I think if there’s supple competition, a dedication could be awarded to the fastest all gold demo (not the first, as it’s not a great accomplishment). We'll see
Rate, comment, post demos, and enjoy!

{EDIT} Fixed the bug that TornadoTK found, sorry about your luck, that demo won't work anymore, and possibly some others

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Heaps of Hidden Helpers' Thumbnail of the map 'Diamonds are forever' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyclone' Thumbnail of the map 'Wellsj DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Ascension' Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered Cliff'
Heaps of Hidden Helpers Diamonds are forever Cyclone Wellsj DDA Ascension Shattered Cliff


Pages: (0)

Tornado, you s.o.b.

Consider this edited


thats hilarious!
Take out the mistakes, and you have blazing speed.
Demo Data

Well, well, well..

Guess who just made a super-speed run possible!
Demo Data


i missed it!!!! by like 3 frames!!
Demo Data


I HATE SOME OF THOSE JUMPS. i have the beginning flawless. the end i keep choking.

i did it

i'm working on speed now. i'll post a demo today. :-D

*gives up*
Demo Data

Good lord no!

But that's one way (the more difficult) of doing's a quick demo of me doin' a bit of it...not much
God I suck, whatever, you use the other side
Demo Data


Is this how the beginning's supposed to go?
Demo Data