Race of Good + Evil

Thumbnail of the map 'Race of Good + Evil'

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Author nooon
Tags author:nooon easy flow fun nooon race unrated
Created 2009-05-06
Last Modified 2009-05-06
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Umm ye this my 3rd kidna good race. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment and rate and to give suggestions for future maps. Ty!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tartson' Thumbnail of the map 'Snape' Thumbnail of the map 'Frozen Ways' Thumbnail of the map 'Caverns - [EDIT]' Thumbnail of the map 'Race of the Worlds' Thumbnail of the map 'Curvynessosity'
Tartson Snape Frozen Ways Caverns - [EDIT] Race of the Worlds Curvynessosity


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dont like the sudden stops and turns though...
Demo Data
meant to say that : P

you have

gotten a lot better...
the flow was great, i didn't enjoy the launchpads much though...
and try to make the enemies just a little more threatening.
il give a 3 : )

Sorry, needed to improve a bit.
Demo Data

Hehe, fun but needs to be longer!
Demo Data


paste the demo data in the demo data box and press submit.

Cool and..

Kewl map but can someone tell me how to post demos? Please ty.


Here's demo. Try get faster! >:) Btw I know it's easy and short and there's a lot of spare space which I could have used, so ill try do that for next race. Enjoy!
Demo Data


I'll post a demo in a bit.