The Deadly Train

Thumbnail of the map 'The Deadly Train'

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Author neil_bryan
Tags author:neil_bryan drone hard playable rated zap
Created 2009-06-07
Last Modified 2009-06-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Try to get through the back row and go back again to the front while avoiding the drones.

NOTE: Post your demos here! First fastest completion demo=dedicated map (this one and a map I'll post soon)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'N Training I - Using Ninja's Abilities' Thumbnail of the map 'N Training II - Using Objects' Abilities' Thumbnail of the map 'Easiness or Complexness?' Thumbnail of the map 'Bridg-y' Thumbnail of the map 'Manocorp, Inc.' Thumbnail of the map 'Pythagoras' Theorem'
N Training I - Using Ninja's Abilities N Training II - Using Objects' Abilities Easiness or Complexness? Bridg-y Manocorp, Inc. Pythagoras' Theorem


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Demo Data


so close
Demo Data

could be better

Demo Data