light bulbs of DOOM!

Thumbnail of the map 'light bulbs of DOOM!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author kickasspeanut
Tags action annoying author:kickasspeanut beatable cool fun unrated
Created 2009-07-13
Last Modified 2009-08-05
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is yet another installment in my objects of doom series this one is easier then pencils if you can beat pencils n1

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'X clamp' Thumbnail of the map 'happy face of DOOM!' Thumbnail of the map 'cube of DOOM!' Thumbnail of the map 'the delta project' Thumbnail of the map 'doors doors and even more doors' Thumbnail of the map 'towers of power'
X clamp happy face of DOOM! cube of DOOM! the delta project doors doors and even more doors towers of power


Pages: (0)

oh ty

ok thanks ill be carefull next uploading more than 2 maps in a certain time frame

Don't worry.

We have to be a little harsh in our approach as most users who spam fail to respond until we take things further.

If you leave a message on one of my maps in a day or so, I'll relist your maps for you.

The rule is 1-2 maps on the front page. Once they've dropped off, you can submit more.

There's no limit to the amount you post a day.


am ialoowed to upload again later in the future ? so like 3 days from now ? or dose it stay delisted ? i wish there was a way to upload maps so they dont show up on hot maps or main page and they would only show up if u went to my profile or searched them that would be great sorry again about this hole thing i was unaware of the limit and i have now had a read threw the rules on posting thanks for not banning me :)


:( sorry
I've delisted your maps. Further spam will result in your account being suspended/disabled.