Such a cruel level

Thumbnail of the map 'Such a cruel level'

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Author Phoenixblade
Tags author:phoenixblade maze puzzle rated
Created 2009-08-07
Last Modified 2009-08-07
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Don't get the gold, whatever you do.
...i don't care if its shiny.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Downhill fall'
Downhill fall


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Totally awesome

In particular, I liked the trap doors. You think you've finally figured it out, then one wrong turn, and BAM! Haha!Pretty fun, 4able.


APGD. Some of the gold is impossible to get but 3/5.
Demo Data

Not bad, 3.5/5

I don't know why people hate the trap doors so much...
Demo Data


Annoying map 'cuase of the trap doors. But 3/5 overall.
Demo Data

I agree

with natures_peril. 2.

trap doors = bad