55-1 Hard Decision

Thumbnail of the map '55-1 Hard Decision'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags author:chrdrenkmann episode playable rated series
Created 2009-09-13
Last Modified 2009-09-13
by 7 people.
Map Data


I know... I have 3 maps on the hot page.
BUT this is my last map.
Not forever. For a while.

The reason? Sniped maps.
Here is a list of all my sniped maps:
55-0, 54-4, 52-1, 47-1, 46-3, 46-2, 45-4, 42-1, 42-0, 35-3, 35-2, 35-1, 35-0, 34-4, 34-3, 10-4 and 06-2. I'm pretty sure there are a few more...

And to be honest: I was always jealous. Yes. PALEMOON and all the other great authors... and I will never be as good as they are.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '54-0 The Line Map' Thumbnail of the map '54-1 Beam Me Up, Scotty!' Thumbnail of the map '54-2 Don't Try This At Home' Thumbnail of the map '54-3 Math Sucks' Thumbnail of the map '54-4 Tomorrow The Sun Will Rise Again' Thumbnail of the map '55-0 Ray Vs. Shield'
54-0 The Line Map 54-1 Beam Me Up, Scotty! 54-2 Don't Try This At Home 54-3 Math Sucks 54-4 Tomorrow The Sun Will Rise Again 55-0 Ray Vs. Shield


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pfft, NUMA


He's not leaving

remember? he's going to be back sometime.

To be honest with you, 54-4 doesn't deserve 4/5. Dude, 4/5 is very good! 3/5 is above average! That map is not even above the NUMA's average. Okay, it's not below, but not above neither! So to be objective, that map is clear 2.5/5.

a snipe

is a rating of 0 and the rater does not tell why


Demo Data

I may be dumb...

but what does sniped mean?


Du kannst nicht gehen! Bitte bleiben ;_;

Wir haben kein collab machen! ;_;

Du bist eine des mein Leiblingskarter ;_;

Tchuß ;_;
Stop fucking following me.

lol bio

bye chrd. i hope you come back sometime

I hardly knew ye

but thats ok, cuz you'll be back. mwahahahaaha

pfft, Bionic

Everyone wants to be palemoon. ;)

Agree with Skyline 100%.


To enjoy life, you have to be content with not being the best. Actually, content with not even being close to it. Once you understand that and come to terms with it, life becomes so much more than that.

Or maybe that was just for me. I mean, it is my life. And this is yours. And they're different. So i guess, do with it what you want. Later bud.


I do regard you as a good author, for what you do; much like ChrisE, AMLT, KKStrong, you provide short, episodic maps that are fun to play. Seriously, comments > rates. If people are commenting on how they like your maps, then that's worth much more than a 5-average rating.
PALEMOON is nothing to be jealous of. The last thing I want to do is become a PALEMOON.

it may just be a little ninja to you, but its suposed to mark a good or a succesfull map

Bye, okay, cya

Won't really miss you.

And guys, to get that "good authors" title, just make awesome maps that show your personal flair and are awesome to play. Hey, I've been sniped numerous times, and have had a series of 50 maps (10 episodes) which were mostly utter failures. Been through that, stopped worrying about ratings and decided that maps were fun to play for myself. If I found one that I made that I especially liked, I post it. Let everyone else enjoy it. The only thing I want to hear on my maps is "This map is awesome. Faved."

So remember, everyone favorite my maps okay? ;)

Agree with Skyline.

Skyline put it perfectly.





This is pitiful.

You do realize you're "leaving" because the tiny little ninjas on some meaningless website changed from a 4 to a 3? Does that really emotionally impact you? That doesn't even mean that people don't like your maps; you /know/ that someone is doing it just to illicit a reaction like this from you. What an absolutely terrible reason to stop making maps.

I know

I only took 0' maps in the list.

im jaelous too

but mainly for the reason that the more "popular" authors get automaticly more attention no matter how bad the map is,
while the more "unknown" authors(like me) practicly doesnt get attention at all


Is the best way to piss off snipers. ;)


I disabled the ratings for 35-4, 36-0, 36-1 and 36-2.
But then my maps got down REALLY fast and had no comments.

*too quick

And also, don't be do quick to think it's a snipe when you are getting 2's or 3's. Maybe they are harsh raters or dont' like the map.

Just disable your ratings then :/
and then my map got sniped...


I'm not emo now.
But I'm not happy too.^^"

Yes. Comments say more than ratings.
But the hard work to create a good map isn't justified with that.

And I won't get attention with this map. It's just a message from me to all.

Sorry, if I make mistakes in my posts. You know I'm German and my English is in need of improvement. XD
like I gave ultimatereading here but if you've already decided to leave it won't help so I'll just say thank you for the your map that I have sometimes played and enjoyed and hope you will soon realise you miss the place.

Don't be emo.

Who cares about getting sniped? I've never given any real value to ratings, only the comments. Making a map about how you're leaving just to get more attention isn't really mature.



I never was a fighter.

Like I said,

it's not forever.
It could be a week.
It could be a month.
No idea.


let the snipers win :(


Don't put yourself down. You are a very good mapper. You have the potential to become great.


My last AGD for a while.
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