Dream Theatre

Thumbnail of the map 'Dream Theatre'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author GRN
Tags author:grn flow laser mines race rated
Created 2009-09-19
Last Modified 2009-09-19
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description Im not too happy with this map.
Aesthetics aren't too good.
Just threw in laser drones everywhere.
Had almost finished it so I thought I may as well post it.


Commenting/Rating & Feedback welcome!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Solnoide' Thumbnail of the map 'Suprises' Thumbnail of the map 'Mars' Thumbnail of the map 'Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Estranged' Thumbnail of the map 'Tense'
Solnoide Suprises Mars Fire Estranged Tense


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My favorite

kind of race... fast XD

i just like

races like this one ^^

now THIS is a race map. F5ved.


today is going to be unlucky with that agd demo being 666 frames =\

the lasers and especially the thwump turned out nice i think. sometimes the laser gets me if i go too fast though. O_o
Demo Data


enjoyed it. not 1 of your best but it wasn't as bad as some of the ones that i have seen

agd v
Demo Data


It looks nice... I don't know what you're talking about.


how dare you?!


Demo Data
and generic in races generally mean that the map is very loopy.

Faster AGD

Demo Data





tied midnight

it was okay but way too generic/
Demo Data

t'was alright

though the start and the thwump bit were way too fast paced for the rest of the map.
you should try incorportating the thwump idea into a whole race... so makig it the theme of the race.

Demo Data

That was laggy.

The thwump was really neat, though.
Demo Data