ruimte stryd

Thumbnail of the map 'ruimte stryd'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author furry_ant
Tags action author:furry_ant chaingun dedication rated sidke space
Created 2010-01-05
Last Modified 2010-06-02
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description Dedicated to sidke for all the cool shit he does for us.

Edit - removed a mine for onesevennine :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'White Washed.' Thumbnail of the map 'Speakerphone.' Thumbnail of the map 'GET.' Thumbnail of the map 'Uproar.' Thumbnail of the map '(noise)' Thumbnail of the map 'furry's hut floated away . . .'
White Washed. Speakerphone. GET. Uproar. (noise) furry's hut floated away . . .


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i love you


again what a cool furry :3

Faster AGD.

:) I wasn't careful in the vicinity of Chainguns, but I seemed to get by anyhow :)
Demo Data

First try AGD.

Demo Data


Nederlands eh :P


I can't seem to find it in my photobucket :S
Sorry, I think the avatar is as good as I can give you :)

hey furry

sorry for using your trees in my collab ma with blacklion should have asked you first. very sorry :(

RE: Avatar

Sorry, I didn't make a bigger version- just the small one which is my avatar. You can always download that though- right click it and choose "Save Image." or something similar.

Faved for later

I made another deathnote map. Shinigami :)

Check it out, furreh!


gold was exciting to get. i agree with chrise, a somewhat muted gauss would have done wonders for the top section.

what a cool map

what a cool furry


Speedier run
Demo Data
A gauss would make it too hard, and I was fearful the whole time because of the chaingun coming around the corner.
I loved this. The rocket provided challenge, but the careful ninja had nothing to worry about. The gold was a blast to collect, and jumping down behind the circle will always be great fun.
Demo Data
I really do. I don't enjoy collecting the gold here, which is a shame. I love the squeeze, and the chaingun. Its a finely tailored map, but it lacks the FEAR FACTOR.

Nice work, furry. <3

nice tiles

good chain beautiful gold cool mines overall amazing


one not......
Demo Data


demo using the rgith path..
Demo Data

Like this




Demo Data


Excelent level, look my replay on Nreality, 120 (in higtscore mode) is posssible ;)

I like the squeeze, the tileset and the chaingun.
The only flaw is that the topmost gold is too far off the whole thing, imo. It's just a bit out of range.

Thanks onesevennine, I've removed that mine now :)

Although the thumbnail hasn't updated .____.

this is really cool

love the chaingun mechanic, the tileset... and the path with the launchpad is clever. only complaint is with that one mine just below the bottom switch; i hate having to be careful in the vicinity of chainguns.

also, easily cheatable, but 4aved anyway.


Demo Data



4. try AGD

oh, i forgot to say, that in the last demo is a great jump through chaingunshots
and here i didn't well...
Demo Data

3. try AGD - 3
Demo Data