
Thumbnail of the map 'voluble'

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Author Tunco123
Tags author:tunco123 rated
Created 2010-01-26
Last Modified 2010-01-26
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Pronunciation: \ˈväl-yə-bəl\

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'It's a very good day!' Thumbnail of the map 'RoboWork' Thumbnail of the map 'Theme "Deep Sea Metropolis"' Thumbnail of the map 'Crab' Thumbnail of the map 'Feel' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't want to die/ Don't step to middle'
It's a very good day! RoboWork Theme "Deep Sea Metropolis" Crab Feel Don't want to die/ Don't step to middle


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A pretty good rocketplay map. I especially enjoyed the challenge of getting the gold smoothly - it took some observation and planning to get it right. Fun stuff for what it is.
7.5ish/10 (4/5)
Demo Data

Yes, you can.

Just credit me, that's all. :DDD


good fun with the rockets, but the mines were annoying. Can I use these tiles in my mappack? I'm changing them around a bit but purely for aesthetics. I'll give full credit :D
it annoyed me slightly there was one less gold in the bottom right and getting out of the sides with the bounce-block right there was awkward. However I liked the jumping off one-ways especially when the mines restricted your movement was cool it made you have to plan your route which I like.
Good level design, I would've like the mines to be in the middle instead of near the one-ways.

Also, the one-ways are annoying as hell to jump off of, but you can hardly be blamed.

3.5 up.
Demo Data
and this is my best demo :( I liked the gameplay and the challenge, but I just got tired of dying. It took me a long time to realize that this isn't perfectly symmetrical. The bottom right mine killed me a lot. Maybe if it was one c-snap over? Overall, for all the dying that occurred, I had a lot of fun. 4
Demo Data


Argh, I'm starting to slowly hate rockets. 4/5 for the map.

too good

for not getting attention :]