00-3 Allow me to introduce myself

Thumbnail of the map '00-3 Allow me to introduce myself'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author fireburnsfree
Tags action author:fireburnsfree fb-f fun playable rated series
Created 2010-04-12
Last Modified 2010-04-12
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description I'm Rainman.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Intoxication via tap water' Thumbnail of the map '00-0 Electronic payment' Thumbnail of the map '00-1 A lovely blue bulb' Thumbnail of the map '00-2 History has a way of erasing itself' Thumbnail of the map 'A beautiful republic' Thumbnail of the map 'You're in then you're out'
Intoxication via tap water 00-0 Electronic payment 00-1 A lovely blue bulb 00-2 History has a way of erasing itself A beautiful republic You're in then you're out


Pages: (0)

I am awesome

Demo Data

I am Ratatat, Beats

speed run:
Demo Data
I am Solar, Sun

The Hot.
maxson, 924

The Either Really Good Or Really Bad Or Anything In Between Mapper At Any Given Time.


Demo Data

Demo Data
My name is FBF (aka. RainMan) 666
I like fire, and prefer the warm toasty regions of the deep south (little nikky reference) and I am the pyromaniac of NUMA, now and forever.


relatively fast
Demo Data
Z, 777

The Toxic
Demo Data
Fusion, the Coil


I like slopes, high places and gauss in a map. It's neat. Only thing is, the top gauss is doing all the work. The bottom one is it's pathetic side-kick that does jack. I don't know why you need the one-ways either. But it looks good, and plays good. I'll give you that.
Slick, 265

The Important.