Shadow Temple

Thumbnail of the map 'Shadow Temple'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author superstardomX_
Tags author:superstardomx_ dark nreality rated shadow temple zelda
Created 2010-10-06
Last Modified 2010-10-07
by 9 people.
Map Data


Golden Triforces everywhere in this bitch'

I based this on a section in the Zelda: Ocarina of Time's Shadow Temple (The main room where the mirror of truth is required to see the paths). Thus here, the light atop of the ninja represents the mirror.

Credit to DDRave for the original light effect on the ninja.

Thanks and enjoy

Nreality required

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Origin of Nightmares Redux (Ghosty)' Thumbnail of the map 'Nerubian Spire' Thumbnail of the map 'Escher's Eerie Estate' Thumbnail of the map 'Proving Ground Physics' Thumbnail of the map 'Sapper' Thumbnail of the map 'Grim-Visaged Fate'
Origin of Nightmares Redux (Ghosty) Nerubian Spire Escher's Eerie Estate Proving Ground Physics Sapper Grim-Visaged Fate


Pages: (0)

would you consider either of them "feature worthy"?
Takes a great many tries to figure out the map.
Demo Data


Demo Data


this map []


Thanks for giving me credit for the original concept. Thanks alot.


If the light on the ninja is white and the background in general is white, then reload the map. It's meant to be brownish. Just noticed it when loading the map on some occasions (its not an image problem). Thanks

Wind Waker is my preference.

Nah uh

Ocarina of Time will always, and for all time, be the GREATEST Zelda game that has ever been released. And for that matter, in my opinion, is the greatest game ever created. Majora's mask comes close... But nothing tops it.


twilight princess is the best game