abu dhabi national oil company (old)

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'abu dhabi national oil company (old)'

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Author The_Mingler
Tags action author:the_mingler cheese episode2 medium rated
Created 2010-11-14
Last Modified 2010-11-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Dedicated to maxson924 [], for achieving 1st Place in the Silk Drops [] contest.
Tileset by Conen__TG_ [], Oil Spill [].

Maybe a little messy?
Please give me feedback...

EDIT: Not a race anymore... I have decided to delist this map and to remake it. :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Episode 0 Level 4: paranoias' Thumbnail of the map 'Episode 1 Level 0: our people marched blindly towards fate' Thumbnail of the map 'Episode 1 Level 1: hidden consequences' Thumbnail of the map 'Episode 1 Level 2: 'm A different machine' Thumbnail of the map 'Episode 1 Level 3: spiffy kosher' Thumbnail of the map 'Episode 1 Level 4: polypsychic'
Episode 0 Level 4: paranoias Episode 1 Level 0: our people marched blindly towards fate Episode 1 Level 1: hidden consequences Episode 1 Level 2: 'm A different machine Episode 1 Level 3: spiffy kosher Episode 1 Level 4: polypsychic


Pages: (0)

... to delist this map and to re-post it. I actually have a much better idea for it now. :D


2.5 up, not really a race which was the worst of it. The drones didn't do a thing, only the rockets actually. Sorry, I just didn't like this that much :/

apakenua, that adds to 3.6 jsyk.

gold wasn't good

but hidden objects are OMGWTFHAPPEN


Beginning Gameplay +1
Not much of a race -2
Tileset +2.5
Gold patterns -.5
Doors -1
Rockets +1.5
Hidden objects - 2
drones +3
Much better map then your others + 1.7
Total = 4.3 ROUNDED DOWN

hidden objects

Perhaps it would be better if you didn't hide objects under gold. I would also keep the gold-style throughout the map (change vertically lined gold), but that was a minor weakness.
I hope this feedback helps you.

But don't understand me wrong, overall this is worth a 3.4.