Cloud of Unknowing

Thumbnail of the map 'Cloud of Unknowing'

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Author krashio
Tags author:krashio tiles unrated
Created 2011-01-28
Last Modified 2011-01-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A new set of tiles for you to play with.

Credit me, if used.

Rate, favourite and use. :)

- Krashio

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Interlocking Sequences' Thumbnail of the map 'Heat in the Desert' Thumbnail of the map 'Sunset Desires' Thumbnail of the map 'Instant' Thumbnail of the map 'Fly Above the Clouds' Thumbnail of the map 'Spaceline'
Interlocking Sequences Heat in the Desert Sunset Desires Instant Fly Above the Clouds Spaceline


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Plastic Beach?

My, my.

You make awesome tilesets.I might use a lot of them, if its OK with you.

Here's the map.

The Citadel []

Hope you like it.

Very stylish.

Totally gonna use this.


the seacamel_fingeronthefrets that was wicked


posted it the tileset is one of many that naturally make me creative


Thank-you very much for you comment.
I'll come on it, when you post it. :)

pretty trippy

but i'll try to use it