Quiet Hillside

Thumbnail of the map 'Quiet Hillside'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Nexx
Tags author:nexx n-art tileset unrated
Created 2011-08-16
Last Modified 2011-08-16
Map Data

Description Just some half-assed Losty-wannabe stuff. Maybe it will make someone nostalgic. :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Blood Vines' Thumbnail of the map 'Forbidden Kingdom' Thumbnail of the map 'Straightedge' Thumbnail of the map 'Encryption Block' Thumbnail of the map '20X6' Thumbnail of the map 'Labyrinth'
Blood Vines Forbidden Kingdom Straightedge Encryption Block 20X6 Labyrinth


Pages: (0)

Heh, these days I disable ratings on most of my maps. I feel like it takes pressure off my mapping. As illogical as it is, receiving a negative comment is less intimidating than seeing those two ninjas with three empty ones, you know? Disabling ratings means I can listen to the constructive comments and not be influenced by an utterly meaningless rating system. Making maps should be fun, not an arduous and worrying task.

The only time I enable ratings these days is when I'm particularly proud of a map more than usual and want it to be seen / float on hot maps for a while, like my newest.


...miss ya bro...

Me like.

like, really?

Catbus? .___.

...what the fuck.

That makes me...confused.


You're a cool guy.
He is a cool guy.

Looks awesome!

Will you be on IRC at some point soon?



nostalgic for mutant dugtrio

although sen beat me to it as expected
The light things are structures (of some kind) with windows.

The hills...

They have eyes.

I should add

I made this over a year ago. I just now stumbled upon and decided to put it up instead of tossing it.
Demo Data