A Destructive Race - Twice The Spice

Thumbnail of the map 'A Destructive Race - Twice The Spice'

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Author mistaken72
Tags author:mistaken72 cyclica dda hold-left playable rated two-way
Created 2011-09-19
Last Modified 2011-09-19
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description NUMA has really died down in terms of DDA production, and I really think we can't do anything to revive it again. I guess we should just try to keep it good while it lasts.

=============TWO-WAY DDA=============


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Worry Now, It'll Be Quick' Thumbnail of the map 'Good Morning Fridays' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Decisions Lay Before Me' Thumbnail of the map 'Chainsaws and Placid Lakes' Thumbnail of the map 'Hypotonic Revival' Thumbnail of the map 'This Used To Be Our Land'
Don't Worry Now, It'll Be Quick Good Morning Fridays Two Decisions Lay Before Me Chainsaws and Placid Lakes Hypotonic Revival This Used To Be Our Land


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If you want.


Thanks! Even want to collab a DDA, hit me up on IRC. My name is "trance" there.


Plenty of closecalls!

are you joking me

collabing would be epictastical


i will never be able to DDA like this.... holy shit faved
in DDAs but ill try. Care to give a few pointers?


I'd absolutely love to watch more of your KRADDAs. I've never made a decent KRA. Ever.

Not really.

There will be a few coming soon.


My candidate for dronies
Well I guess I'll just have to make a DDA then


nuff said. 5/5
who knows why.

but i like these classic kind of enemy spam DDAs a lot more than KRAs.


I really liked the using of thwumps

it's good to see you're back from the dead