Truman Sleeps

Thumbnail of the map 'Truman Sleeps'

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Author Wizard2
Tags author:wizard2 dda featured kradda rated
Created 2012-08-10
Last Modified 2012-08-10
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description zzz

This map was featured on 2013-04-12

Wizard2 is no stranger to getting his maps featured, but perhaps one of the most under-appreciated aspects in his map-making arsenal is his DDA crafting skill. “Truman Sleeps” begins like most KRADDAs, warming up the ninja’s feet, but by the 600 frame mark, the rocket is scorching them and soon the hunter becomes the hunted! The clever use of thwump propulsion, one-ways and tiles for added close-calls make this DDA one of the best on NUMA. — ska

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Above the Sea of Fog' Thumbnail of the map 'Drummer' Thumbnail of the map 'Dread' Thumbnail of the map 'divide and multiply' Thumbnail of the map 'trivial pursuits' Thumbnail of the map 'strange'
Above the Sea of Fog Drummer Dread divide and multiply trivial pursuits strange


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imagine how hard it is to be a ninja

i cant even fuckin dda for an hour
i'd always fidget

yes let me

tell you about the maps I've made that are better than today's feature yes
why didn't you feature the best DDA ska why
the best one deserves to winnnn
Mainly because his DDAs are more technical with the way he propels the ninja. Good feature, ska. Faved.
but with the best will in the world it's a pretty ignoble comparison to be making. It takes skill to make a KRADDA, granted, but it takes something real special to be able to pull off one as intense, if not more so than this. Surprised me how recent it is too, for some reason I expected it to be much older o_o

really Leo?

Rockect's clever. 5/5

pretty good one ska

although Ive seen 100s of better ddas... even my 100th was almost as good as this :/ 3.5/5
It's all trial-and-error. Some of my favorite title breaches happened by accident.
See my DDA's and you'll see that I've done that. But this one (picture) really goes through the tile O.o


Rockets have funny properties. Their sprites are larger than their target areas, and it's possible that the target area will move through tiles if the trajectory is precise enough.

Demo Data


How is this possible (rocket)

Very nice.