Holey Balls

Thumbnail of the map 'Holey Balls'

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Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi drones hard rated
Created 2012-11-20
Last Modified 2012-11-20
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Not glass_arm's cup of tea. And Rose is in class... but he like it. Whatever "it" is...

Other maps by this author

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TiltSquare MINIMAPS 3 PREVIEW Quadrants Garbage Upwards Arrow Ring of Fire


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that being said,

i like how you had to be creative to get in some of the gold. here's a demo
Demo Data

this is good

but theres a couple things:
while the drone shafts are a cool idea, having them be the only real obstacle gets repetitive after a while

possibly some sort of distraction or other mechanics to shake up the gaemplay will keep the player's attention more.

<glass_arm> aight teadrinker
<glass_arm> it's not really my CUP OF TEA