Shirokuro Jiguzagu

Thumbnail of the map 'Shirokuro Jiguzagu'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Fujita_Seiko
Tags author:fujita_seiko easy race rated speerun
Created 2014-12-07
Last Modified 2014-12-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Made in Nv2

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tiles used from estehel - Ascension Two' Thumbnail of the map 'Daiyamondo Naibu' Thumbnail of the map 'Tsugumichi' Thumbnail of the map 'Umaku i~tsu' Thumbnail of the map 'Jikandorini kansei' Thumbnail of the map 'Mebaru'
Tiles used from estehel - Ascension Two Daiyamondo Naibu Tsugumichi Umaku i~tsu Jikandorini kansei Mebaru


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ah oke

Mhot_Ghune, nice run!. What a move in the beginning. Is that still possible in Nv2, never seen it before. ( or dont remenber from N1.4)

nice map!

Demo Data

Demo Data
I think I may just have a triangle fetish tho. If it has triangles, then sin me up while I get a tan (see what I did thar)


Demo Data

lots of fun

here's a run to start.
Demo Data