Dance of Thorns

Thumbnail of the map 'Dance of Thorns'

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Author lifdoff
Tags action author:lifdoff gauss medium playable thwump unrated
Created 2014-12-13
Last Modified 2014-12-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Action with some tricky jumping and thwump evasion. All gold isn't too hard, except for one area - at least, that's how I found it when playtesting.

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Alternate Curl Red Cloth Rest in Pieces The Cliffs of Kill Rock Impact


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I like the concept, but not hidden objects.



Improvable though. Not sure if it's faster if you leave the top section for last and go to the exit via slope jump.
Demo Data

You're right.

I had basically built the level from the start with those gausses there, so it never ocurred to me to remove them, but I just tested it out, and it does play a lot better, and it's much more fun. Though I added a floorguard, otherwise the bottom part is a little too easy.
the thwumps already work well in their difficulty, the gausses just add an unnecessary amount of challenge to the map