Cloud-Cap Mountain

Thumbnail of the map 'Cloud-Cap Mountain'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TheEarthProject
Tags author:theearthproject miiio unrated
Created 2014-12-16
Last Modified 2014-12-16
Map Data

Description #118

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Tendrils' Thumbnail of the map 'A=31' Thumbnail of the map 'Infedility' Thumbnail of the map 'Invalid Data' Thumbnail of the map 'Two Beans in a Pot' Thumbnail of the map 'Running Thing'
The Tendrils A=31 Infedility Invalid Data Two Beans in a Pot Running Thing


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yeah I am lsudny, good to see you're still about the joint
I remember you!

and a really slow AGD
Demo Data

here's a legit run
Demo Data

nicely made...

have not seen a map like this in awhile. Good implementation.
Demo Data

Demo Data