\m/ Moonshield \m/

Thumbnail of the map '\m/ Moonshield \m/'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author swipenet
Tags agd author:swipenet fuck-yeah fun in-flames moonshield unrated
Created 2016-02-17
Last Modified 2016-02-17
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Converted from v2. Great song.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tessellated Terror (Highscore)' Thumbnail of the map 'Tessellated Terror (Speedrun)' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 15' Thumbnail of the map '"Fuck rigged levels. C'mon, Grant."' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Challenge 16' Thumbnail of the map '\m/ Jester Head \m/'
Tessellated Terror (Highscore) Tessellated Terror (Speedrun) Simple Challenge 15 "Fuck rigged levels. C'mon, Grant." Simple Challenge 16 \m/ Jester Head \m/


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Woohoo Fun map

Oh definitely.

TJR is a great album. I'd say Dead Eternity and Lord Hypnos are my favourites, but there's no bad song on the album imo.



Nice map.

I like the layout, the aesthetics are nice and collecting the gold is a lot of fun.

Not the biggest fan of the song though, it's one of the weaker songs on The Jester Race imo.
and if paste didn't work i'd like to know
just saying for a friend
just asking for a friend


I modified the data a little to fix the thumbnail. Now you guys can see it in all its glory!


The gold isn't supposed to be easy to get. Nice demo!


The moon jumps were appeasing, but the struggle to get into that room was unwarranted. What did the ninja ever do to you? Gosh
Demo Data


Thumbnail isn't loading... guess I'll just have to wait for that to get sorted.