Eye of the Storm

Thumbnail of the map 'Eye of the Storm'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author byro009
Tags action author:byro009 byro009 fast race speed unrated
Created 2017-07-05
Last Modified 2017-07-05
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map can be completed two different ways, depending on if you get that first key. Try both ways!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Are you worthy?' Thumbnail of the map 'Twisted Momentum' Thumbnail of the map 'byro009' Thumbnail of the map 'Conceptual Testing' Thumbnail of the map 'Quant-N Physics' Thumbnail of the map 'Concepting One Way'
Are you worthy? Twisted Momentum byro009 Conceptual Testing Quant-N Physics Concepting One Way


Pages: (0)


path L
Demo Data

Path B

With key
Demo Data

Path A

Without Key
Demo Data