decoy world (reworked)

Thumbnail of the map 'decoy world (reworked)'

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Author Hyteriux
Tags author:hyteriux decoyworld doors floorguards intercom parkavenue unrated
Created 2017-09-10
Last Modified 2017-09-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a huge thank you to lsudny and bloodymoonlike for their super helpful feedback and assistance which i utilized to rework the map some so it's a bit more enjoyable. my apologies for the original, despite the almost 2 years i've been here i still have very little knowledge on 1.4 mechanics and i shamefully still do pretty much all of my mapping on v2 and for a map based around 1.4 mechanics it is a really bad thing to do haha. honestly, i had no idea the trapdoor-floorguard mechanic was a thing and i regretfully chose regular doors to take their place. anyways, hope you have fun! :)

so i tried to create a decoy world
for you to destroy in my mind
you can stay
and believe you're tearing me apart
while i'm coming to life
while i'm coming to life

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'i wannna run awaaay with you' Thumbnail of the map 'quirky romantic comedy' Thumbnail of the map '"we'll be safe here...' Thumbnail of the map 'sunset on venice' Thumbnail of the map 'the moon, a palace' Thumbnail of the map 'blood stains these walls'
i wannna run awaaay with you quirky romantic comedy "we'll be safe here... sunset on venice the moon, a palace blood stains these walls


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apart from that, I didn't really like it. looks great but there's too many mines for it to be fun. if a guard doesn't kill you, one wrong jump and a mine will. that's annoying

rework this please, I love all your maps but this is just bad :(

BML has a point

try this, its the same thing but plays a lot better without the clunky doors: []
Not only in this map, but in many. The doors on the other hand keep blocking me all day long and reduce my will to play. Additionally I'd prefer 'S' doors instead of the 'W' doors at the lower floorguards and delete the lowest floorguard.