The Epic - Part XXXI - Thinking About Verb Conjugation Tends to Hurt

Thumbnail of the map 'The Epic - Part XXXI - Thinking About Verb Conjugation Tends to Hurt'

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Author KinGAleX
Tags action author:kingalex epic medium playable rated
Created 2006-01-14
Last Modified 2007-06-23
by 22 people.
Map Data

Description As the Ninja emerged from the thorns he had now begun to become friendly with, he spied the beginnings of a path to the city he had heard so little about.

Unfortunately, his insanity had forced him to start inventing a language, and he was up to conjugating the verbs, when he noticed the ever-growing number of enemies in his way.

"Jango-popz!" he cried, which was a word in his new language, meaning something between, "Great Lords of Pie!" and "Great Lords of Pie!" The difference is only in pronunciation, so you can't really see it here, but let me assure you that it exists.

"Get on with it!" said MUV.

Yada-yada, he started down the path, and this is where we are...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Transylvanian Armed Bee Of Epic Proportions' Thumbnail of the map 'The Epic - Part XXVI - The Slightly Insurmountable Hillocks of Grandeur' Thumbnail of the map 'The Aliens Landed on my Doorstep, and Ate my Cat' Thumbnail of the map 'And He Said, "Woah. Electric Blue Thingies."' Thumbnail of the map 'There Are Only Two Sides to Every Story - the Third Perished Along With Slavery' Thumbnail of the map 'The Curvature of the Spine Shows Off a Woman's Breasts'
Transylvanian Armed Bee Of Epic Proportions The Epic - Part XXVI - The Slightly Insurmountable Hillocks of Grandeur The Aliens Landed on my Doorstep, and Ate my Cat And He Said, "Woah. Electric Blue Thingies." There Are Only Two Sides to Every Story - the Third Perished Along With Slavery The Curvature of the Spine Shows Off a Woman's Breasts


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HEre's a better start.
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Didn't work
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Elegant and fun. 4.5
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