Sic Transit Pipes

Thumbnail of the map 'Sic Transit Pipes'

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Author Crono
Tags action author:crono playable rated v1.4b
Created 2005-04-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Modified this level a bit. It's pretty fun, Named after another Brand New song.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cicatriz esp' Thumbnail of the map 'Cross-Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Okay, I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't' Thumbnail of the map 'Tautou' Thumbnail of the map 'My Snail Rides Shotgun' Thumbnail of the map 'Play Crack The Rabbit'
Cicatriz esp Cross-Fire Okay, I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't Tautou My Snail Rides Shotgun Play Crack The Rabbit


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

Brand New!

Brand New! Yeah!!!!! Awesome Band!! 5/5 for me

the band

'Brand New' the song, Sic Transit Gloria, and it rocks... as does this level. feels quite meta-net-y. fun. 4/5


brand new song? huh?