Emergency sequence

Thumbnail of the map 'Emergency sequence'

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Author Fabzz94
Tags action action-y author:fabzz94 easy newb unrated v1.4
Created 2007-07-20
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Enemies evaded your base, switch the emregency button, and escape!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Trampoline land!' Thumbnail of the map 'Runoff' Thumbnail of the map 'Minefield' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy or hard way' Thumbnail of the map 'Infiltration' Thumbnail of the map 'Hop right through'
Trampoline land! Runoff Minefield Easy or hard way Infiltration Hop right through


Pages: (0)


Same stuff as innovation.


Way to big of a lag.

Also, most people won't sit there while the trap doors go off and there is way too many enemies.
Or zap drones at least.
Demo Data


You should fix this.
Demo Data