Acid Rain Revolution

Thumbnail of the map 'Acid Rain Revolution'

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Author supernerd
Tags author:supernerd chainguns cool dda rated
Created 2007-08-18
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Sorry to keep you waiting but this map took me ages. There are no more problems left.

Sorry if the map isn't that good I'm just a newbie.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Speed Iron Speed'
Speed Iron Speed


Pages: (0)

is to have awesome close calls. In this one, you just blocked them all. Average.

he's protected

practicly the whole time

ps dont advertise
don't put too many launch pads.

Too many launchpads

Especially when they're next to each other in rows.


Now all you have to do it get in your head that LAUNCH PADS ARE YOUR ENIMIES!!!
