User information for "the_silent_riot"

Maps 3 (Show all)
Rated Maps 1 (Show all)
Favorites 0 (Show all)
Map Ratings
Total Ratings 7


I like to make things while I'm at work... I'm pretty new at designing maps but I've been playing N since it first came out... I love the game... And surprisingly I can hardly beat my own levels... If I rate their difficulty wrong I apologize, I'm just confidant that they're easy to some people...

I like regular, playable, maps, Tile sets are nice too, but they're not for me...

Big shout out to all my fellow Travian players...

If any one plays ps3 feel free to add me, I use this username for everything...

Recent Maps

Thumbnail of the map 'The Twin Towers' Thumbnail of the map 'The Haunted Mansion' Thumbnail of the map 'A change of plans...'
The Twin Towers The Haunted Mansion A change of plans...