Tad Dangerous

Thumbnail of the map 'Tad Dangerous'

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Author gstyn1
Tags author:gstyn1 dangerous dda insane rated
Created 2007-09-01
Last Modified 2007-10-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is my second map and my second DDA.
Its better then my old one but check that one out to because it pretty cool.

This level I tried to keep as little ground as possible and you probably dont care but never in this level did i make something perposely do distroy a rocket or the laser beams stop.

And thats the annoying thing when I started makeing the rocket didnt die but as I sarted completeing the level the rockets hit some random pieces of ground that just randomly float
I hope you like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Madness'


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really nice...
the only thing i dislike is the mine-placement.


I deleted that part just for you, dAaZnfr3aK
(nice name)


theres some great close calls but a lot of the mines and floorguards arent needed especially since in a DDA you shouldnt really use many mines.

Not bad.

Except, do be arrogant as say its cool, awesome, insane blah blah.

Cuz its a bit boring and the mine positioning is crap and its randomly placed and you don't need that many floor guards.
