The City Life, Mon!

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Author sharc
Tags author:sharc incomplete tileset unrated
Created 2007-09-05
Last Modified 2007-10-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description The second map after my rebirth in the NUMA community. Give me credit before you rape my tiles, please.

Transcendentalism in Stargirl

Transcendentalists are those that love nature. They are intuitive rather than rational, like their Romantic brothers. Transcendentalist ideas were spread mostly by writing: great authors such as Thoreau and Dickinson made it popular in the 1900s. It has survived today in books like Stargirl, By Jerry Spinelli. Stargirl, the main character from Stargirl, is a very unique and different representation of Transcendentalist ideas. By analyzing Stargirl’s connection to the spiritual world, her spontaneous feelings and actions, and her self-reliance and individualism, one can conclude that she is a Transcendentalist.
Stargirl is a Transcendentalist because she uses her intuition to behold God’s spirit revealed in nature. Rather than calling her “different”, Archie tells Leo that she is “one of us. Most decidedly. She is us more than we are us. She is, I think, who we really are. Or were…" (Spinelli 32). Her actions are a doorway to the spiritual world; she truly understands nature: “The earth is speaking to us, but we can’t hear because of all the racket our senses are making. Sometimes we need to erase them, erase our senses. Then—maybe—the earth will touch us. The universe will speak. The stars will whisper...” (Spinelli 91). Stargirl was a true Transcendentalist; she sought oneness and harmony with nature.
Secondly, Stargirl is a Transcendentalist because her actions show that she favors spontaneous feelings to rationality. In other works, she listens to her heart; she does what she feels is right. For example, Stargirl cheers for the other team when it scores because she feels that she should be happy that the other team is happy. On page fifty-two, Stargirl was “popping up whenever the ball went through the net, no matter which team scored, cheering everything and everybody…” (Spinelli 52). Her actions either makes others happy, make her happy, or both. “Do you realize how much you must throw away in a year?” Asks Leo when Stargirl dropped change onto the sidewalk. Stargirl replies with “Did you ever see a little kid’s face when he spots a penny on a sidewalk?” She sets an example for us to follow to become closer to God.
Finally, Stargirl is a Transcendentalist because she doesn’t conform and is extremely self-reliant and individualistic. She isn’t overly dependent on anything for her general happiness and lives a simple life. Some of her oddities include wearing outrageous outfits to school like kimonos and 1920s flapper’s dresses and singing out happy birthdays to people in the lunchroom. Like a true Transcendentalist, she is oblivious to custom: “In the hallways, she said hello to complete strangers. The seniors couldn’t believe it…” (Spinelli 10). In this case, her non-conformity to tradition was mistaken for cheek. She truly wasn’t aware. In fact, except for the short time Stargirl spent as Susan, she wasn’t aware of what “others” thought of her at all.
In Conclusion, Stargirl is a Transcendentalist because of many reasons. She is self-reliant; she can take care of herself, and not to mention she is a nonconformist. Her great understanding of nature and her appreciation for the ‘small things in life’ make here a true Transcendentalist. She overlooks—and sometimes completely disregards—the customs. She has her own way of running things ad she does what she feels is right. Due to the afore-mentioned reasons and more, Stargirl is a Transcendentalist.

p.s. if you're feeling expecially generous, check out my last map ( ). It only needs 1 more rating.

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