Comments on "A Poet"

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Subtle is the difference between
Our love of the dead,
Between the bright of sky
The color of rotting fruits, pleasant warm corrupted air.
Crawling you can taste it a stench all one sentence Begone!

Slow is the picture remarked on by
Our dying fathers,
Breaking fingers grip the obtuse
The sunbird ruffles her feathers humidly, we pretend she is crying.
Crawling you can taste it a stench all one sentence Begone!

Sanguine we are blessed
Our beauty within our blood, blasphemed-sharp intrinsic,
Betwixt bulrushes and flamed copper pipes
The atmosphere descends like shattered wombs, priests cradling deceased gold.
Crawling you can taste it a stench all one sentence Begone!


beautified and controversial delicious. 55avedddddd.

It, I liked.

five, Four point.


tileset and race map

Holy shit.

The flow is stellar in this level. I also thought the optional gold route worked out just perfect for this level. The tiles were off the chain. Damn, man.

Faved and Bitesized.


Tiles are great and flow is tight.
Demo Data