Out of the Box

Thumbnail of the map 'Out of the Box'

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Author jcampbell
Tags author:jcampbell experimental obl playable test unrated
Created 2008-01-28
Last Modified 2008-01-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description READ THIS FIRST!!!
NOT SPAM (to be played in enlarged screen)

Rather like 'outcast' (, which i discovered AFTER making this, I have made a level OUTSIDE of the N screen. The key to all the gold is this:

THWUMP: this section of the map is propelled by thwumps
0.6: Propelled by 0.6 power jump pads
1: Propelled by 1 power jump pads
1.4: propelled by 1.4 power jump pads

Each of the mines corresponds to a different item you can get, the first being a door switch, the second a piece of gold, the third the exit switch, and the fourth a trapdoor. The trapdoor and door don't work properly outside of the box, but in principle it works.

Enjoy experimenting, and have fun!
I look forward to seeing some more out of box levels (OBL)

Other maps by this author

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Lemming Lemming (updated) Tileset Challenge iPod Tileset In the Hall of The Mountain King Climbing Centre


Pages: (0)

First try, made it!
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Beat this!

Sorry for the double post.
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I gotcha.
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