The Universe

Thumbnail of the map 'The Universe'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author player_03
Tags 42 action author:player_03 medium playable rated turtle-is-hot
Created 2008-02-02
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description "Not only do we not understand the universe, if someone explained it to us, we wouldn't know what he was talking about."
-Isaac Asimov

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Capricious' Thumbnail of the map 'Peril' Thumbnail of the map 'Starters' Thumbnail of the map 'LEVEL03' Thumbnail of the map 'Mercurial' Thumbnail of the map 'Everything'
Capricious Peril Starters LEVEL03 Mercurial Everything


Pages: (0)


Big, open, symmetrical maps with lots of tile-islands, scattered gold, and a couple of guardian baddies aren't much fun, and this is no exception. However, I thought the gold right above where you start was interesting.

Completion + the only tricky gold.
Demo Data
Also, if someone figures out the theme and which part of the level doesn't quite follow it, I'll dedicate this level to them.
why are they there if its impossible to get in them?
3.5 because of that, but i like the gold


...just in case you need this level explained...
Demo Data

Good quote

Anyways fun map, run around do whatever you want. Nowadays there are tons of maps with rockets, so you have to keep constantly dodging. But this map solves it. Pretty good.


I don't get it. NR.