
Thumbnail of the map 'Distraction'

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Author Sendy
Tags author:sendy playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-08-20
Last Modified 2005-08-20
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description You want to play an original N level for a change, and I have the cure.

A puzzle level with a lot of craft put into it, and hopefully not too hard. I was originally going to have several lazer drones, but I thought I'd see if I could keep all the puzzles in the level revolved around that one drone.

I succeeded!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'House Series: The Freakin' Garden' Thumbnail of the map 'Mental Elemental Temple - Easy Version' Thumbnail of the map 'Chomp Samba' Thumbnail of the map 'The Galleon - Sendy vs Formica edition' Thumbnail of the map 'Frussed Raytion' Thumbnail of the map 'Slap 'n' Tickle'
House Series: The Freakin' Garden Mental Elemental Temple - Easy Version Chomp Samba The Galleon - Sendy vs Formica edition Frussed Raytion Slap 'n' Tickle


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yeah, i made several improvements of speed and N skills of what your demo is about sendy.

NICE level baby.

Demo Data


Curses, Sendy! I had this exact idea a little while ago, and I was really exited to make it into a map. And then you come along and post the exact same idea. Arrrgh!
Nice map.


The laser thing was VERY cool. Too long for me to finish, but still very fun. Looked crap though.


It's too difficult for my taste (especially the top left mine-jumping), but other than that it's fantastic. Great use of the laser!

Very, very nice.

And very original, which makes it nicer still.


It's not much of a 'puzzle' really but still unorthodox and fun. Here's a very near completion demo.
Demo Data