
Thumbnail of the map 'Inbound'

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Author Fenominous
Tags author:fenominous doorerie-jumper fun hard playable unrated
Created 2008-05-12
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tileset credit to Bolta1

A new fashioned kinda way of a mine jumper , try it out and you'll see , i guess im the first one that made this up =)

Hope you like it and now go enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sympathy' Thumbnail of the map 'Unknown Fatae ' Thumbnail of the map 'Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'MayTheEternalSunShineUponMyClockwork' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocky "Balboa"' Thumbnail of the map 'The streets of L.A'
Sympathy Unknown Fatae Tileset MayTheEternalSunShineUponMyClockwork Rocky "Balboa" The streets of L.A


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It is

It is possible , i've tested all parts when i made them , and then tested the whole level , but its extremly hard and i guess a demo would help.


a wonderful idea but I'm kinda wondering just how possible this map is. There are a few parts that I find are pretty hard (specifically the section of trap door switches before you drop down to get the exit key).
Other than that...
I think that this was well done though. Another great map from Fenominous! :D