Thumbnail of the map 'SLAM!'

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Author X-43bfn
Tags author:x-43bfn dda slam unrated
Created 2008-05-28
Last Modified 2008-05-28
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description -- plz help!

anyone got any suggestions as to what/what more to do with this?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SECURITY: Part 4: The Floor' Thumbnail of the map 'SECURITY: Part 5: Boss' Thumbnail of the map 'SECURITY: Part 6: Exit' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh - crap' Thumbnail of the map 'Training Course' Thumbnail of the map 'The X Logo'
SECURITY: Part 4: The Floor SECURITY: Part 5: Boss SECURITY: Part 6: Exit Oh - crap Training Course The X Logo


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i spammed a lil too much in the whole thing but the idea was for u to smash - or 'slam' if u will - at the end


I am truly speechless. That trapdoor gold delay thing in the middle was an awesome idea. The spring boards at the end were kind of spammy.