
Thumbnail of the map 'Saxify'

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Author BlckNWhteNnja
Tags action author:blcknwhtennja linear playable rated
Created 2008-07-01
Last Modified 2008-07-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This map has sort of a linear quality to it. Getting the gold takes you off the path, with some particularly hard jumps, but the path itself is one of adventure and thrill. Don't get morphed into stone on this one.

Ded to Msyjsm for getting an agd on Compression []

Have fun!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Compression' Thumbnail of the map 'The Clamps!' Thumbnail of the map 'Harmonic Tension' Thumbnail of the map 'Deep-Space Archeology' Thumbnail of the map 'No. 1 Threat : Bears!' Thumbnail of the map 'As Nexx's Shokwave of The Blue Oceans.'
Compression The Clamps! Harmonic Tension Deep-Space Archeology No. 1 Threat : Bears! As Nexx's Shokwave of The Blue Oceans.


Pages: (0)

3.5/5 rounded up

rocket is not=tiles.


was very awkward and un-themingly placed. The rocket again, with the tiles, hard to work with. 2.5 round up. Sorry.


but slightly addicting, I give you a 5 out of originality, very interesting map, I don't like the rocket, as things are already hard enough. Good map though.
but it sorta worked well with the tileset, the gameplay is okay, gausses get really annoying going in and out but overall its a fun map 4/5