Switch Jumper

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Author Mega_Duff
Tags action-mine-jumper author:mega_duff concept glitch medium-hard mineless unrated
Created 2008-07-07
Last Modified 2008-07-07
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Sort of a concept action/mine-jumper kind of thing. In the first part you have to avoid the switches to get to other switches. The trapdoor switches that you have to get make you need to get avoid the normal switches. When you get all the trapdoor switches, you don't have to avoid the switches, which open the tunnels to the exit and exit switch. If mines were used, then you'd have to avoid then while the drones were out! The action part is quite obvious. The switces with gold on are the only ones you can touch until you get all gold. Uses door glitching. The first part is cheatable, but only if you look in edit mode (and have good eyesight) or get very lucky, so dont or it'll ruin the fun! I would've used trapdoor switches like everyone else, but that wouldn't be as original.

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Checkmate Shut up grandma! Abstractimisticalism! Super N 5- Golden Glyphs Teh Laser Cookie (TLC) Eiturlyf... You're in trouble.


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