The Stage and School

Thumbnail of the map 'The Stage and School'

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Author 47percent
Tags action author:47percent future playable sci-fi techno unrated
Created 2008-07-15
Last Modified 2008-07-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Old habits die hard.

So, I wanted to irc-chat maps with fingersonthefrets, and we made rules and such, and I, well, broke them. But mad props to fingers for cleaning the map up.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'You're Only A Rebel From The Waist Downwards' Thumbnail of the map 'The Great Opera Breakfast Club' Thumbnail of the map 'A Red Crochet Mallet' Thumbnail of the map 'The Scientists Were Dismayed!' Thumbnail of the map 're v  e   r    B' Thumbnail of the map 'Christmas Day, Approximately 9:00 PM.'
You're Only A Rebel From The Waist Downwards The Great Opera Breakfast Club A Red Crochet Mallet The Scientists Were Dismayed! re v e r B Christmas Day, Approximately 9:00 PM.


Pages: (0)

Demo Data


rachel is funny.

A new map by 47?

How exciting!

speedy ;)

final demo.
Demo Data

there we go

really quite fast.
Demo Data


Demo Data

heh, okay demo

i'll get better in a sec
Demo Data