blind destruction

Thumbnail of the map 'blind destruction'

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Author Phil_P
Tags author:phil_p destruction playable race two-walls unrated
Created 2008-07-21
Last Modified 2008-07-23
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A fast race with good flow.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the dangerous diving center' Thumbnail of the map 'a computer's memory chip' Thumbnail of the map 'Glbork' Thumbnail of the map 'TNT-mountain' Thumbnail of the map 'bouncee jumping' Thumbnail of the map 'The dangerous attic of a dangerous house'
the dangerous diving center a computer's memory chip Glbork TNT-mountain bouncee jumping The dangerous attic of a dangerous house


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idea has been done

and it was better. also don't complement yourself. let us decide.


flow was alright

slightly hard to find at one point but that's just cause i suck at jumping =] 4/5


definitely NOT the best flow ever lol

Probably the best flow ever. But the aesthetics and gameplay really worsen it. Umm.. too much flow on my demo? XD
Demo Data


kinda fun 4/5. Not exactly difficult.
Demo Data


not too bad... I was at least interested by the many enemies, I might've just been lucky to not be hit though.

first try AGD, with a 3.5 rounded up
Demo Data