Matt Pack 1.1: Cats in a Cradle

Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 1.1: Cats in a Cradle'

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt bananas chaingun gold jumps unrated
Created 2008-09-07
Last Modified 2008-09-07
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description With a silver spoon. Yes, they have no bananas.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tapeworm Paradise' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 0.3: Ionic' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 0.1: Time is Running Out' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 0.0: No Dice' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 0.4: Red Tetris' Thumbnail of the map 'Matt Pack 1.4: Shackled Freedom'
Tapeworm Paradise Matt Pack 0.3: Ionic Matt Pack 0.1: Time is Running Out Matt Pack 0.0: No Dice Matt Pack 0.4: Red Tetris Matt Pack 1.4: Shackled Freedom


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Short and Sweet, I like :P

Fastest AGD

This deserves a 3.5 IMO, but I'll round it up.
Demo Data

Its fun, you kind of expect it to be like a race after the first couple of jumps though but then you have to stop and double back and slow down for a couple of jumps. Not exactly bad just unexpected. 4/5
This was meant to be kinda easy btw, its part of a map pack.


slightly quicker. The hardest by far is getting all the gold on the jump down to the bottom right. I don't really like how the only challenge is so challenging. It's quite a difficulty spike.
Demo Data


The jumps are possible, for anyone who thinks otherwise.
Demo Data

O rly?

Ive never seen it before, post a link if possible.


I swear I've seen a map that looks very similar to this before...