floorguard v.1

Thumbnail of the map 'floorguard v.1'

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Author beethoveN
Tags author:beethoven dda floorguard floorguards rated unfinished v.1
Created 2008-11-24
Last Modified 2008-11-24
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description UNFINISHED!
tell me what you think, should I make v.2? if I do, it will have more floorguards and maybe other enemys.

Other maps by this author

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evil sun bowtie simple challenge drone jumper tetris .


Pages: (0)

I've seen a DDA like this before, only I liked that one more. I'll link you to it if I ever find the link.


hows a map like this get a 5
it was a great idea ,but, i think it was exocuted poorly
i can onley give this a 3 because i like the idea but the actual dda part lacked something

whats veneer?

Simple answer

Yes, make v2, this was pretty good, could do with a bit of... veneer for the final version, but, the idea is really good.
I'd try putting a single rocket, if done well it could work great, but The simplicity makes it good, you'd have to find the balence.

also 4aved
and AGD
Demo Data

Nice close calls

Redraft this with more enemies, such as turrets and possibly zap drones, make it a bit longer and more action packed, and its a winner.

cool, 5 by 2 people.


ohh i like it...

very creative!!


and very cool too!


yeah, I commented I think


the floor guards on the i-doors are very original. 4.5 rounded up. I just posted a dda. It's right above yours.