
Thumbnail of the map 'Computer'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author 1_of_3_Mesters_N
Tags author:1_of_3_mesters_n fun n-art rated
Created 2008-11-27
Last Modified 2008-11-27
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description i did just thinking in some things

but im not so good to make n-art lvls

but enjoy...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Destructive_Bullet_2' Thumbnail of the map 'War. III' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed_Racer (ft. 2_of_3_Mesters_N)' Thumbnail of the map 'Graphics (ft. Caio)' Thumbnail of the map 'Puppet' Thumbnail of the map 'Drakula'
Destructive_Bullet_2 War. III Speed_Racer (ft. 2_of_3_Mesters_N) Graphics (ft. Caio) Puppet Drakula


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thats cool....

especially the keys on the computer.


It's pretty funny. I didn't like the jump pads but the "keyboard" was really accurate; I loved the attention to detail. 4/5

I'll agree to it, like I said, but I can't do it in one sitting. I have the map behind this one bookmarked for when I'm done with some stuff.

As for the map, it isn't exactly eye-pleasing, but it is alright. Jump-pads probably aren't the best object for making text, and you placed them rather sloppily in the first place, specifically the V. 2.5/5.

I'll rate the same number of maps you rated for me (16 or so.) but I can't do it in one sitting. I'm on dial-up and it takes me a while to load a page, but I will bookmark your maps.

I would suggest not doing that. It was kind of a shock to come on to see all my maps with comments, and it seemed a bit pretentious when you put out the deal. "I did it, now you have to or you are a jerk." Try rating only one and proposing it before doing them all.

you have way more maps than me, i dont want to rate all yours

heh heh heh

Pretty funny art. The ojnly thing you could change is the spacebar. In the thunmnail and up close it looks choppy. To correct this, start from the middle and move out, or start at the sides and move in. Otherwise, 3/5

BTW you have my favorite name-avitar combo on numa