A Single Room of Hell

Thumbnail of the map 'A Single Room of Hell'

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Author Lightning55
Tags action author:lightning55 concept playable unrated
Created 2008-11-28
Last Modified 2008-11-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Each room with its own little challenge. A concept-ish map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Enclosed Cafeteria for the Damned' Thumbnail of the map 'Drome Drone' Thumbnail of the map 'Cliffhanger Riot' Thumbnail of the map 'Sine Qua Non' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Challenge 16' Thumbnail of the map 'The Relentless Torment to the Squires'
Enclosed Cafeteria for the Damned Drome Drone Cliffhanger Riot Sine Qua Non Thwump Challenge 16 The Relentless Torment to the Squires


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I relisted it.

It was kinda weird of me to do that. xD


Okay, I think I get what you are saying. Each room has its own tough difficulty and together, they add up to too much.

But then again, it is your choice how many rooms you do at a time. It is your own fault if you can't complete all the rooms in a row. You are given an opportunity to opt out at the end of every room. It isn't really meant for a one-time go AGD.

I played

just like I said, and it is so hard. So hard. I can beat each section and get to the middle, but never 2 or more in a row. 3/5


the only thing that looks iffy is the very top left switch and the gold ing the top left. Other than that, cool level. I would post a "completion demo" but it would waste both of our times to see me just run straight at the exit. So I'll invest some time later into getting all the gold in the same demo. I don't understand your comment, though. I'll rate later, when I have a good demo. See you soon.

A new concept also

"I didn't like the way you did it.
It was too forced, and it reminded me of Riobes original map. Now, had there been a freedom to go any which way you wanted, THAT would be great. I think this is just the same thing turned sideways.

Sounds good
The center would look ugly though. I'd be impressed if you could make the keys look decent; being that you have to get one to unlock this side, to unlock another one at the center.

(Sounds like a key hell hole)"

"What if you went free way, but you always had to head back to the center
to get to the next area? "

What I did do:
-middle looks like a piece of crap
-each individual room, with the exception of the bottom left, has its own unique play style to get the gold
-each room leads to a total of 3 sets of 4 gold
-each room contains a locked door key that unlocks a row of gold in the last chamber
-I tried...